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Oxygen Scavenger Claus Catalyst

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Oxygen Scavenger Claus Catalyst

Iron Promoted Activated Alumina Claus Catalyst
it is iron promoted activated alumina sued as a guard layer in Claus reactors to remove oxygen from inlet process gas, protect Claus catalyst from sulfate formation.

Iron Promoted Activated Alumina Claus Catalyst offers typically installed in the 2nd and 3rd Claus reactors.


Product Properties
Composition: Al2O3+Promoter > 95 %
Form: Spheres: 4-6 mm diameter
Sock-loading Density: 740 kg / m3 ± 5% depending on loading technique
Crush Strength: 15 kg
Loss on Ignition: 4-7 %
Packaging: 150 kg in 200 liter metal drums, 1000 kg in 1,100 liter super sacks (IBC flexible)

Associated Applications
PuriCat PSR-41 is sued as a guard layer in Claus reactors to remove oxygen from inlet process gas, protect Claus catalyst from sulfate formation which is typically installed in the 2nd and 3rd Claus reactors.


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